Table of Contents

CAN-GC3 mergCBUS DCC Command Station




© Rob Versluis,




The CAN-GC3 firmware is based on the MERG CANCMD firmware.
Currently the CANCMD firmware version 3d is used for small enhancements and changes.
The CAN-GC3 firmware version contains the CANCMD version and the (LaunchPad Bazaar)CAN-GC3 revision number:

Version ID
3d 3d-180

Version Info

Version Changes/Improvements
469 Only purge if slot speed is zero.
434 Query support added.
433 Optional power toggle button at port RB7.
200 Power off at startup.
180 LED1 moved to port RB6. (Internal booster/service track)
LED2 moved to port RB7. (RUN indicator)
179 mergCBUS activity LED added on port RB4.
178 LED for signalling booster output power added on port RC6.
Inverted booster signal added on RC5 needed for ORD-3.
All DCC output port are set to zero in case of track power off.
Booster output remains always main track DCC, no service track. (Swap removed.)
The internal booster can be used for very small layouts or as PT (Service/Programming Track.)
Debugging output ports removed.

Development Tools

Developer Notes

The max. size of an arry is 256 byte which limits the refresh stack size to 32 slots.
Larger arrays are possible by modifying the linker file: