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RCP Scripting

Content Rocrail Server

The only thing new about scripting is the fact that it is now documented; Rocrail scripting has been available from the early beginnings of the project.


Only a few steps are needed to execute a user defined script. The following pages provide the necessary information:

It is also possible to activate the script manually, from the command line, or by another application.



A Python example for turning on the global power:

# Rocrail XML script example: Power ON.
from socket import *
# Subroutine for adding the XML-Header and send it to the server
def sendMsg( s, xmlType, xmlMsg ):
  s.send("<xmlh><xml size=\"%d\" name=\"%s\"/></xmlh>%s" %(len(xmlMsg), xmlType, xmlMsg))
# Create the server connection
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('localhost', 8051))
# Compose the power on command and send it
rrMsg = "<sys cmd=\"go\"/>"
sendMsg( s, "sys", rrMsg )
# Close server connection

Just copy and paste this Python example in a text editor and save it in a file with the ".py" extension.
(Linux: Add the execution bit with "chmod +x".)

Server trace

The erros of the closed connection are normal and can be ignored.

20110515.150347.205 r9999I cconmngr OClntCon 0354 client connect count: 18
20110515.150347.206 r9999I cmdrB730 OClntCon 0209 cmdReader started for:
20110515.150347.206 r9999I infwB730 OClntCon 0104 infoWriter started for:
20110515.150348.206 r9999c cmdrB730 OVirtual 0324 Power ON
20110515.150348.207 r9999I cmdrB730 OControl 0826 State event from=vcs-1
20110515.150348.207 r9999I cmdrB730 OModel   1704 informing 1 listeners of a system event...

(Ignore the errors:)
20110515.150348.209 r8030E infwB730 OSocket  0626 send() failed [32] [Broken pipe]
20110515.150348.209 r9999E infwB730 OSocket  0630 Connection broken!
20110515.150348.217 r9999E cmdrB730 OSocket  0685 Socket 0x00000000 error 88

20110515.150348.217 r9999I cmdrB730 OClntCon 0322 Server ended.
20110515.150348.220 r9999I infwB730 OClntCon 0172 InfoService ended.