Table of Contents

AUI Plan Layout

ContentRocview General


AUI, Advanced User Interface, is part of the class library wxWidgets1).
This makes it possible to position and resize plan panels over the desktop to meet the point of view in which the display with Rocview resides.


How to

This example has two levels:

Switch to the Docking view in the Rocview General Properties:

Docking view

Restart Rocview

After a restart of Rocview, the two levels are shown as floating panels:

Reposition and resize the panels:

Reposition and rotate the panels by 180°:

Reposition and dock one panel:

The last perspective will be saved in the rocview.ini.

If the layout has more then one Display with Rocview, the perspective can be saved and reloaded at any time on any Rocview.

Note: The scroll bars will disappear if the plan fits in the panel size.

This library is used for Rocview