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Modbus TCP/IP


Les appareils Siemens LOGO! supporte Modbus à travers TCP/IP. Ces appareils sont utile en cas de 230VAC doit être changé dans le contexte du modélisme ferroviaire.

Le protocole Modbus est très simple et donc facile à mettre en œuvre.
Les appareils série Modbus peuvent être connectés à une passerelle.

Modbus est devenu un protocole de communication standard de facto et est maintenant un moyen couramment disponible pour connecter des appareils électroniques industriels.

Configuration Général


Le préfixe IP. Si non renseigné, l'adresse IP du serveur Rocrail sera utilisée.


Le numéro de port par défaut Modbus enregistré 502 sera utilisé en cas de valeur égale à zéro.

Options de sondage


Interroger les entrées discrètes.


Interroger les registres d'exploitation.


Interroger les registres analogiques.


Interroger l'état de la sortie bobine.

Mise en veille

Pause en ms entre les requêtes de sondage.

Setup Devices

A device must be added if polling is required to specify which type and rage.

Sub IP

The last part of the device its IP address.

Input/Coil range

Both ranges are automatically adjusted to multiples of 8.


If a range is set from zero to zero the polling for that type is disabled.


The addressing is based on the IP address of the Rocrail server.
If the server hast IP address, the base IP prefix is 192.168.0.
The Rocrail object bus will be used as IP suffix, for example if an output bus is 44, the IP address will be


A coil is a read/write output in the Modbus context, and is mapped to a Rocrail output/switch object.
The output bus is the IP suffix, and the address is the coil address.


Modbus inputs must be polled because of its master/slave architecture. (Originally RS485. Also new projects are based on RS485 like BiDiB where the GBMBoost master will do the polling.)
If a Rocrail sensor is defined for this Interface ID, the eight bit module range, 8, will be requested for this IP suffix at a fixed interval.
To activate polling the digint attribute fbpoll must be set to true. The psleep attribute is used for the polling interval in ms.

Discrete Inputs

Input registers are reported as sensor default type.


Coiuls are reported as output field events.

Input Registers

Input registers are reported as sensor register type.

Holding Registers

Holding registers are reported as sensor register type.


If the port is set > 1024, a Modbus service will be started; Rocrail will accept Modbus request on this port.
Supported requests:

  1. Write Single Coil, this will be evaluated as an output field event.

For all other requests an exception response will be send back.

PLC Address Types

Mnemonic Type Size Modbus Rocrail
I Digital Input bit Discrete Input Sensor
Q Digital Output bit Coil Output/Switch
M Memory bit Coil Read Sensor, Write Output
AI Analog Input word Register Sensor register type
AQ Analog Output word Register Output analog port type
AM Memory word Holding Register Sensor register type

Public Functions

modbus/modbus-fr.1596011542.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/29 10:32 by phil45