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WIOpi is a program targeted for the Raspberry Pi and its GPIO.
The hardware requirements and support are the same as for RocNetNode.
By running the WIOpi program on the Raspberry Pi, it will behave and process like a WIO on ESP base.

WIOpi runs in context of user pi.

The user pi is default in the groups gpio, i2c and spi, so no need to run WIOpi in super user context.

$ groups
pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev gpio i2c spi

The following files and directories are extracted:

├── cam
│   └──
├── scripts
│   └── Disco00.led
└── wiopi

The commands to start and stop the Python script can be specified in the wiopi.ini.
Defauls are:

    <var name="startcam" vt="string" defval="nohup python3 cam/ &amp;"/>
    <var name="stopcam" vt="string" defval="killall python3"/>


mkdir WIOpi
cd WIOpi
tar xf WIOpi-ARMHF.tar.gz
rm WIOpi-ARMHF.tar.gz

Add a crontab task:

@reboot /home/pi/WIOpi/

The ARMHF build runs also under PiOS 64bit. (ARM64)

WW        WW IIII  OOOOOO           
WW        WW  II  OO    OO        ..
 WW  WW  WW   II  OO    OO ppppp  ii
  WWWWWWWW    II  OO    OO pp  pp ii
   WW  WW    IIII  OOOOOO  ppppp  ii
 TM and Copyright 2002-2020 Robert Jan Versluis.
 All Rights Reserved.
   r.j.versluis @
 WIOpi 2.1.1021 [Dec 10 2020 07:52:42]
20201211.153950.005 w9999I main     OI2C     0094 I2C device found at 0x20 fh=4
20201211.153950.005 w9999I main     OI2C     0094 I2C device found at 0x21 fh=6
20201211.153950.010 w9999I main     OI2C     0094 I2C device found at 0x3C fh=7
20201211.153950.012 w9999I main     OI2C     0094 I2C device found at 0x40 fh=9
20201211.153950.017 w9999I main     OI2C     0094 I2C device found at 0x60 fh=10
20201211.153950.021 w9999I main     OIO      0098 init MCP23017 device 0x20 I/O map=0xF0F0 ppoobbiippoobbii
20201211.153950.022 w9999I main     OIO      0098 init MCP23017 device 0x21 I/O map=0xFFFF iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
20201211.153950.023 w9999I main     OServo   0091 init PCA9685 device 0x40 prescale=101
20201211.153950.034 w9999I main     OLED     0076 init PCA9622 device 0x60
20201211.153950.035 w9999I main     ODisplay 0337 init SSD1306 device 0x3C geometry=1
20201211.153950.038 w9999I main     ODisplay 0189 clear display[0]
20201211.153950.105 w9999I main     OWIOpi   0638 Up and running 99:WIOpi-99
20201211.153950.712 w9999I wiocon   OWIOpi   0320 send server [mbp2020:8051] WIO handshake...
20201211.153950.936 w9999I wiostat  OWIOpi   0466 SSID "Keltenbahn" RSSI=-52 dBm
20201211.153951.105 w9999I doRFID   OID12    0085 init ID12 device /dev/ttyS0


The Pinout and mapping is printed in the console after startup.
It depends on the configuration found in the wiopi.ini.
See for Raspberry Pi Pinout information:

| Name             | Log | Phys |
| I2C SDA          |  08 |   03 |
| I2C SCL          |  09 |   05 |
| Pi01 TxD         |  15 |   08 |
| Pi01 RxD         |  16 |   10 |
| Pi01 LED1        |  02 |   13 |
| Pi01 LED2        |  07 |   07 |
| Pi01 Button      |  03 |   15 |
| Pixel CI         |  29 |   40 |
| Pixel DI         |  28 |   38 |
| Servo 0          |  26 |   32 |
| Servo 1          |  23 |   33 |
| MCP2515 MOSI     |  12 |   19 |
| MCP2515 MISO     |  13 |   21 |
| MCP2515 SCLK     |  14 |   23 |
| MCP2515 INT      |  06 |   22 |
| MCP2515 CSO      |  10 |   24 |
| Stepper IN1      |  30 |   27 |
| Stepper IN2      |  21 |   29 |
| Stepper IN3      |  22 |   31 |
| Stepper IN4      |  25 |   37 |
| Stepper CAL      |  11 |   26 |
| S88 PS           |  31 |   28 |
| S88 RESET        |  27 |   36 |
| S88 CLOCK        |  28 |   38 |
| S88 DATA         |  29 |   40 |

Supported Hardware

  • Pi02 (max. 4 = 128 I/O)
  • Pi03 (max. 4 = 64 Servo)
  • Pi06 (Power & Patch)
  • Pi08 (max. 8 = 128 LED. Output address < = 128)
  • ID12 RFID reader on Pi01
  • SSD1306 / SH1106 OLED (max. 2, restricted by the I2C addressing of the SSD1306 / SH1106)
    Note: The SH1106 seems incompatible with the Pi01, I2C Driver, so it must be connected directly to the I2C pins.
  • HT16K33 (max. 2 Clock)
  • BMx280 (max. 2 Environment)
  • GCA214 RailCom reader on Pi01 (PiOS 32bit only because of the none standard baudrate of 250000.)
  • Play sound with "omxplayer" (Without prefix forward slash)
  • Mobile soft PWM for controlling a H-Bridge
  • WS2801 RGB LEDs over SPI (Output address > 128)
    • LEDScript support in case Port Type is set to Macro.
  • 2 Servos on the hardware PWM pins (phys. 32 & 33).
    Note: WIOpi must be started with sudo to be able to use the PWM outputs.
  • Analog inputs: PCF8591 and ADS1115


The Servo outputs, PWM0 and PWM1, can also be used for audio:


The filter is quit simple: (Example is for just one channel.)

                 || | 
Servo0 -+---+----|| |----+
        |   |    || |    |   /|
       +-+  |            |  / |
       |1| ---         +---+  |
       |5| --- 33n     |   |  |
       |0|  |          |   |  |
       +-+  |          +---+  |
        |   |            |  \ |
   GND -+---+------------+   \|


LED functions

Both LEDs will flash fast on a show command to identify itself.
Another show command will stop this flashing.

LED1 (green) Description
Off WIOpi does not run, or no GPIO access granted.
Slow flash Normal function.
Fast flash No Rocrail server connection.

LED2 (red) Description
Off Idle communication.
Flash Packet received.


In case both LEDs are flashing to identify itself, it will stop this mode.
Otherwise it sends a query response to the Server.

Signals on Pi02/Pi08

Signals Support is also available on the Pi02, with address offset 129.

Pi08: 1…128
Pi02: 129…256 (mapped on 1…128)

Stepper Control

See for turntable setup: WIO Stepper

4 Wire
Function Header GPIO
IN1 (Coil 1) 7 4
GND 9 -
IN2 (Coil 2) 11 17
IN3 (Coil 3) 13 27
IN4 (Coil 4) 15 22
HALL (Calibrate) 21 9


3 Wire
Function Header GPIO Example TB6600
STEP(Clock) 7 4 CLK+
GND 9 - EN-, DIR-, CLK-
DIR 11 17 DIR+
ENABLE 13 27 EN+
HALL (Calibrate) 21 13



WS2801 Header Function
DI 19 MOSI Digital In
CI 23 SCLK Clock In
GND 25 GND Ground

Output settings for LEDScript

Address > 128.
Options Color, Type Macro.


The Rpi-Zero header mounted on the bottom side. (without factory header)
The Rpi-1/4 header mounted on the top side. (factory default)
Short header on the Rpi-1; No native servo support.

| Rpi0 bottom hdr    |
 |  |
  --       Zero set top
 |  |
 |  |
| WIOpi-01                               |
 |  |                                 || 
 |  |                                 ||
  --       Pi2++ piggy bag            ||
 |  |                                 ||
| Rpi1/4 top hdr                         |

WIOpi-01 connectors:   (pins)
1 x DC Power supply       2
1 x Pixx RJ12             
2 x I2C                   4
1 x WS2801                4
1 x Stepper               5
2 x Servo                 3
1 x UART                  4
1 x Lights                3
1 x Motor                 2
2 or 4 x I/O (optional)  10

WIOpi-01 components:
2 x LED
1 x Button
1 x H-Bridge
2 x I2C I/O Extender (optional)
1 x I2C buffer for Pixx RJ12


The CAM can be used parallel with WIOpi as documented here:

top - 11:54:34 up 26 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.53, 1.27, 0.85
Tasks:  77 total,   1 running,  76 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  7.2 us, 15.4 sy,  0.0 ni, 71.9 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  5.5 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :    368.4 total,    222.4 free,     73.5 used,     72.5 buff/cache
MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.    244.2 avail Mem 

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                              
  527 root      20   0       0      0      0 I   8.1   0.0   0:00.48 kworker/u2:2-brcmf_wq/mmc1:0001:1                                                    
  435 pi        20   0  120260  20208   8232 S   7.8   5.4   1:56.07 python3                                                                              
  301 pi        20   0    9944   2528   2072 S   7.5   0.7   2:00.87 wiopi                                                                                
  526 root      20   0       0      0      0 I   2.9   0.0   0:00.61 kworker/0:1-events                                                                   
  521 pi        20   0   10280   2972   2516 R   1.3   0.8   0:01.73 top                                                                                  

Link to stream:


I2C Slaves

WIOpi supports up to 4 Arduino Slaves.
The reserved I2C device addresses are 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E and 0x7F.
The WIOnano can be used as skeleton:

To address a pin on a slave, the following parameters are involved:

  • Node ID: The ID of the WIOpi
  • Address: Pin number
  • Port: Slave I2C ID

Supported Rocrail objects:

  • Digital output

Monitor trace DOUT(0x0A) on Pin 5(data[0]) off(data[1]):

opc=0x0A dlc=5 data=05 00 00 00 7C 00 00 00

Ten times a second, the slaves are polled for their input pin state. (If any defined.)

20210105.083513.532 w9999I main     OWire    0187 I2C device found at 0x7C
20210105.083513.542 w9999I main     ODisplay 0392 init SSD1306 device 0x3C geometry=3
20210105.083513.886 w9999I doManage OManager 0101 read reg array slave 0x7C rc=2: opc=0x99 11 66
  • Note 1: The Arduino Nano cannot handle error free I2C speeds above the default 100kHz.
wio/wiopi-en.1610184286.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/09 10:24 by rjversluis