Table of Contents
Addressing Examples
Sensor Addressing
The Module Address of the feedback sensors begins with 1. The next Sensor is Nr. 2 then 3 ….
The internal map key will change from "bus_addr_unit_pin_iid" to "iid_bus_addr".
Converting from old to new addressing for 16-Port modules:
RocRail Address = (Module - 1) * 16 + Pin
If using 16-Port S88 Modules, Port 5 of the second module is addressed as Port 21 : (2 - 1) * 16 + 5 = 21
See the Lenz page for the Lenz addressing scheme which is slightly different.
Switch Addressing
Address is the number of a 4-port group.
If using turnout modules with 4 ports the first module is addressed as 1, the second as 2 and so on.
If using turnout modules with 8 ports the first module is addressed as 1 for the ports 1 to 4 and is addressed as 2 for the ports 5 to 8.
The data in the lower "Address" and "Port" fields is only used if the turnout or crossing needs a second solenoid or motor e.g. for three way turnouts or double crossings. If you select one of these the fields are active. Otherwise they're grey.
They are counted in the same way as the first solenoid.
Remark for Maerklin K83 Users: The documented address rom for the K83 decoders begins with address 2. That means that the decoder setting 01101010 equals address 2, Port 1 to 4 entspricht. There exists an undocumented setting to set the decoder to address 1. To do this you have to setup the decoder to 10101010.
If the port value is set to zero and the address > 0 then the FADA translation will take place.
FADA address 4 is the same as addr=1, port=3 and gate=red.
FADA address 5 is the same as addr=1, port=3 and gate=green.
Note for Hornby users only:
As of svn 3174 the addressing offset has been fixed and normal addressing can be used in lieu of FADA/PADA - i.e. address1, port 2 is handled by the Elite as address 1, port 2 not port 1 as originally seen. Just amend the rocrail.ini file to add sublib="elite" after the lib="lenz" in the digint section.
The Buttons "red" and "green" are used for decouplers because they use only one Gate of a port. You can connect 2 decouplers to one port. One is set to "green", the other one to "red".
Signal Addressing
If you want to setup signals you have to fill in the address number of the decoder in the address field. This is again the number of a 4-port group. The first decoder is addressed as 1. Mostly you can connect more than one Signal to a decoder.
The entries in the field Port 1 to Port 3 are assigned to the Ports of the decoder. The same way as seen at turnout decoders. A light of a signal uses only one Gate of a Decoder Port. Because of that you have to choose the Gate of the Port, "red" or "green".