Table of Contents
DCS100 "Super Chief"
- de loconet aansluiting is niet galvanisch gescheiden, dus verzeker je ervan dat de stroomdetectie circuits het wel zijn.
Fouten kunnen defect van terugmelders, DCS-100 en andere onderdelen veroorzaken. Digitrax maakt een opto-geïsoleerde versie van de DCS-100 (en de DCS-150 booster) welke speciaal kan gekocht worden bij uw dealer.
Configuratie van de DCS100
The DCS100 can be configured by setting various option switches (OpSw). You may want or need to configure the DCS100 to work with your hardware. Rocrail itself does not need any specific option switches set. See chapter 28.0 DCS100 Option Switch Setup found in the Super Chief Manual for more information on configuring option switches.
We list some of the more important switches below.
Expanding Slots
- OpSw 44: Expand slot refresh area from 22 (Big Boy compatible) to 120
For big layouts 22 concurrent running loco's are not enough, so it is always advisable to set this option to get 120 slots available for running loco's.
Common Settings
- OpSw 20: Disable address 00 or analog stretching for conventional locos.
- OpSw 25: Disable aliasing
- OpSw 28: Disable DS54 interrogate commands at power on. (Unnecessary LocoNet traffic if they are not used for setting switches.)
- OpSw 33: Allow track power to restore to prior state at power on.
- OpSw 34: Allow track to power up to run state, if set to run prior to power on.
Motorola Format Support
If you want to run Motorola decoders with the DCS100, you should first read chapter 29.0 Multi-Format Operation in the Super Chief Manual. You must configure at least some of the option switches to work with the Motorola protocol. Read the notes below on Motorola support for some additional information.
Required Option Switches
For stationary decoders:
- OpSw 9: Allow Motorola trinary switch packet command echo for switches 1 - 256.
- OpSw 10: Expand trinary switch echo range from 1 - 64 to 1 - 256, when OpSw 9 is "c".
- OpSw 11: Make trinary switches 57 -64 long duration (1 sec) ON period, when OpSw 09 is "c", use for uncouplers, etc.
Use these settings to allow control of M turnouts, uncouplers, etc. via k83, k84, or 74440 decoders. Note that you should set the turnout switch time in Rocrail to 0, since the DCS100 will automatically send OFF commands 500ms after Rocrail sends the initial ON command (see OpSw 9, above).
For mobile decoders:
- OpSw 12: Motorola trinary/AC digital mobile decoder addresses 1 -80 allowed. (User must status edit loco types to "x1")
Optional Option Switches
For mobile decoders:
- OpSw 21-23: These switches combine to set the global system default type for "NEW" loco selections as per this table:
t-t-t (=3) | 128 step mode |
t-t-c (=7) | 128 step FX mode |
t-c-t (=1) | Motorola trinary format |
c-t-t (=2) | 14 step mode |
c-c-t (=0) | 28 step |
t-c-c (=5) | Undocumented |
- Motorola I and II, will run mFX under Motorola II. Functions f0 through f4 supported.
- The documentation for trinary support is very poor and requires experimentation to get working.
- Swap any MM only decoder for a multi format or 100% NMRA DCC decoder where possible.
- Disable analog support in the decoder when mixing Motorola and DCC decoders on the same layout.
- If mobile decoders respond poorly, swap the Rail A and Rail B connections at the DCS-100.
- If the mobile decoders are working, but the stationary decoders are not, swap the red and brown leads at the stationary decoder.