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Guest Locomotive

Content Rocrail Server

  • Guest Locomotive


A Guest Locomotive is an undefined loco object which could neither be found by ID nor by Address in the list.


The initiator is a Rocrail client and most likely Rocweb.
If a client is capable to set a locomotive address by hand it could be that it is not defined in the Rocrail Model. (plan.xml)

The Guest

In case of an undefined locomotive object Rocrail will generate one on the fly with the following settings:

Attribute Value
ID guest address
Address guest address
Protocol NMRA DCC
Speed steps 128

Long addressing is set if the guest address is above 127.

All other attributes are default values as defined in the Loc Definition wrapper.
The new locomotive object will not be saved at server shutdown, and is valid for the current session only.

Trace lines

The Rocweb throttle, tries to use a Locomotive with address 33 which is not defined in the current layout:

20091211.084211.649 r9999I cmdr005C OModel   1837 try to find loco by addres [33]
20091211.084211.650 r9999I cmdr005C OModel   1844 generating a loco for addres [33]
20091211.084211.650 r9999I cmdr005C OModel   0505 adding lc 33...
20091211.084211.650 r9999I cmdr005C OLcDrive 0514 LcDriver 1.4.0 loaded for 33
20091211.084211.650 r9999I 33       OLoc     1040 Runner for "33" started.
20091211.084211.651 r9999I cmdr005C OModel   0671 new item added lc 33
20091211.084211.651 r9999c cmdr005C OVirtual 0243 addr=33 V=87(68) dir=fwd lights=on throttleid=iRob

This event will be broadcasted to all connected clients.

Side effects

Possible unwanted side effects could be:

An existing Loco exist already with the wanted Guest Address as ID.

In this case the existing Loco will get the commands and not the desired Guest Loco.

An existing Loco exist already with the wanted Guest Address.

In this case the existing Loco will get the commands and not the desired Guest Loco.

The Guest Loco can not handle the predefined setting of the generated Loco object.

The Guest Loco will not move or react unpredictable at receiving DCC 128 commands.

guestloco-en.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/22 14:36 by rjversluis