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MDRRC Digital RailRoad Control

ContentCommand Stations MDRRC

MDRRC is supported starting with Rocrail version 1.4 revision 1129.


MDRRC(Model Digital RailRoad Control) is a low budget and easy to build CS for controlling mobile and stationary decoders in DCC and MM format.
Just an Atmel Mega32, some serial converters, buffer IC's and some miscellaneous parts is all whats needed!


  • Max. 64 locos concurrently in DCC and Märklin Motorola-2 format.
  • 28 DCC steps, no long addresses.
  • Märklin Motorola-2 in 14 steps only.
  • Functions F1-F16 for DCC decoders
  • Functions F1-F4 for Märklin Motorola-2 format decoders.
  • MM / SFD / DCC format for stationary decoders (max. 255 addresses).
  • S88 bus for max. 32 S88 units.
  • 2 * 16 Display.
  • Software updates by boot loader.
  • Serial communication.
  • Programming DCC decoders in Direct Mode.
  • Interface for (wireless) throttle(s).


MDRRC does not feature an integrated booster, an external booster is required.


All information can be found at: Extensive description, software and hardware can be found there.

mdrrc-en.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/22 00:19 by smitt48