Table of Contents
GCA100 Polarity switch for turntables
GCA100 board
Functional Description
The MGV100 unit is used for reversing the polarity of rail sections.
Mainly commanded by use of interface like GCA50, CAN-GC2, GCA_PI02 or WIO_xxx it is used for turntables or rail loops, to change polarity in a rail section.
The use in rail loops is extremely simple together with the use of mentined interfaces, since they can directly be programmed to switch
the connected GCA100 when certain feed-backs are active on these rails.
Schematics and PCb design
Bill of materials
K1 | relay | RALD5W-K Takamishawa 5 volt |
D1,D2 | diode | 1N4148 |
GR1 | Bridge | B80C1500 |
F1 | fuse | PFRA050 |
J1 | Screw-connector | AKL012-3 |
J2 | Screw-connector | AKL012-4 |
mgv100-en.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/21 20:09 by phg