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Registratore Comandi


  • Registratore Comandi

Menu → Controllo → Registratore Comandi


Il registratore comandi può essere usato per registrare tutti i comandi inviati da Rocview al server.


  • Registra tutti i comandi come testo
  • Play back
  • Esportazione e importazione
  • Modificare, inserire e cancellare comandi
  • Opzione orario; deve essere attivata prima dell'avvio della registrazione.


  • Non tutti i comandi sono supportati.

Registrare un itinerario

With the following 10 steps a route can be created:

  1. Make sure Rocview is online. (Connected with the Rocrail server.)
  2. Reset all involved blocks from occupancy.
  3. Start recording.
  4. Click on the start block. → Use Shift+Click for choosing the plus block side.
  5. Click on all needed switches, signals and sensors.
    To get the wanted command correctly in the route use the context menu instead of a single click to select the right command.
  6. Click on the destination block. → Use Shift+Click for choosing the plus block side.
  7. Optional click on the crossing blocks.
  8. Stop the recording.
  9. Optional modify some recorded lines.
  10. Push the Route button.

The new route will be shown in the Route Dialog to be able to make some changes or set options if needed.
After pushing the OK button the recorded route will be send to the Rocrail server will show up in the Route Table. With Cancel the recorded route will be rejected.


  • Works with Standard and with Staging Blocks.
  • Steps 5 and 6 may be mixed.
  • The generated route ID is formatted as: [from block ID+/-]-[to block ID+/-]
  • Pause lines will be ignored.
  • If some switches and/or signals were left clicked the correct commands can be adjusted in the Route Dialog.

Formato File


Sono permessi solo linefeed; no carriage return supplementari. (DOS/Windows)
La "Pausa" non è un comando ma è usato per attendere un numero di secondi tra i vari playback.


rocview/cmdrecorder-it.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/12 08:56 by