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Piattaforma girevole


To provide Rocrail with events you must add some sensors to the turntable. On most turntable you can add without much affort those sensors: turntable_locdec_en In the worst case you can use reed schwitches in combination with magnets. But any how it is up to you to find the best solution for your turntable.

Bridge Position

Needed for displaying and auto mode.

Bridge Occupancy

For generating the enter and in event. The most common way ist to split up the bridge track into two equals occupancy sections, and you only have to do this with one rail. (one side of the bridge track) How the sensors are ordered is not importend: The first event will generate the enter event and an in if both have got occupied.

Alternatively you can just use the whole bridge as one section, which will generate an enter2in event. In conjunction with the event timer and route velocity you must fine tune this to make sure the locomotive will halt completely on the bridge.

Only one side the rail is devided in to 2 sections, This Fleischmann 6652 turntable is also converted from K-Rail to Tillig Code 83 and features 6 contacts, but I only need 4.
turntable-it.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/12 08:56 by