Table of Contents
CAN-GC1 Firmware
This firmware needs a Rocrail CBUS Setup for serial and 230400 bps. (-0,79% tolerance: 228571 bps)
Resonator: 8MHz, Rocrail 2931+.
Most RS232 legacy ports cannot handle baud rates above 115200.
To use the needed 230400 baud rate an USB-232 converter is the best solution.
The CAN-GC1 can be equipped with an USB Sub-D type connector.
Binary Response
The official CBUS protocol is in ASCII which doubles the number of bytes.
To prevent frame loss the response from the CAN-GC1 to Rocrail has been made binary.
An ASCII response starts with ":S" and a binary with ":s".
Frame ASCII format
:ShhhhNd0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d; :XhhhhhhhhNd0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d; :ShhhhR; :SB020N; :S -> S=Standard X=extended start CAN Frame hhhh -> SIDH<bit7,6,5,4=Prio bit3,2,1,0=high 4 part of ID> SIDL<bit7,6,5=low 3 part of ID> Nd -> N=normal R=RTR 0d -> OPC 2 byte HEXA 1d-7d -> data 2 byte HEXA ; -> end of frame
Frame Binary format
:shhNd0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d; :s -> s=Standard start CAN Frame hh -> SIDH<bit7,6,5,4=Prio bit3,2,1,0=high 4 part of ID> SIDL<bit7,6,5=low 3 part of ID> 2 bytes Nd -> N=normal R=RTR 1 byte 0d -> OPC 1 byte 1d-7d -> data 1 byte ; -> end of frame (should be a checksum in future versions)
Applications should read up to the OPC to determine the data length.
Development Tools
- MPLAB X v1.00
- mpasm v5.43
- PICKit 3
cangc1-firmware-en.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:58 by rjversluis