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GCA146 Manual control for Turntable / Fiddle yard controller GCA145


By Peter Giling

A simple board

The finished GCA146 Both sides of the pc-Board
NOTE: From Version N1.4 , the small tumbler switch and Led are no longer needed.

The hardware files

The schematics
The pcboard and parts positions
The bill of materials
with kit order, a 3D printed housing is available ask Peter
In present Version, S2, R17 and led are no longer used.
N.B. Self made pc-boards or separate ordered pc-boards are not supported!

The previous version, MGV146 board is compatable.
All info about the MGV146 board is found here

Connection with GCA145

IMPORTANT NOTE !!!!!! Some users seem to know better, and solder wires directly to the pins or the pc-board.!
That is totally unacceptable !!
Wires will easily break off, and cause a lot of damage in many cases.
So use connectors !!!!!

This cable is a straight connection, 8 wires, so pin1 to pin1, pin2 to pin2, etc.
Two connectors PSK 254/8W are used with 16 PSK Pins.
This special plier will be sold for net price of € 20,00 if ordered together with complete kits. crimpzange.jpg

gca146-en.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 16:50 by phg