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Install Rocrail on Raspberry Pi

A graphical Rocrail installation from scratch on a Raspberry Pi.

:!: Attention :!:
Since 10/2023 is there a new Raspberry Pi Imager 1.8.
The operation and functions have been expanded and changed.
Unfortunately is there yet not a YT video for it in english.
So it may be necessary for a while to use this german Video
for some declarations and it may help to use the undertitles:

PiOS SD Preparation

To setup a SD Card for the Raspberry Pi, check this page:

Advanced Options

With the Advanced Options SSH, WiFi and more can be configured before writing the OS to the SD Card.
After selecting the OS the Advanced Options will become available:
Setup the Rpi Environment:


Open the WEB Browser and surf to, and select "Windows & PiOS":

Select Installer

Select the "" download:


Wait until the ZIP file has been completely downloaded.
Open the ZIP file by clicking on the downloaded Rocrail file:

After the Xarchiver has been opened, seldect Menu → Action → Extract:

Set Target

Replace the "Extract to" target from "/tmp" with "/home/pi":

Then click on Extract.

First time install

The following steps are only needed at the first time installation of Rocrail.
Skip this if you only did extract an update.

Open the "File Manager", and open the /home/pi/Rocrail-ARMHF" folder:

Double click on the file, and execute it in a terminal:

Now the Rocrail Icon ist ready to launch:

File Manager Option

To avoid this question on double click the Rocrail Icon:

Change the File Manager Preferences, and select:

Rocrail Startup

After a double click on the Rocrail Icon, Rocview will startup:


Select Menu → File → Demo Workspace:

Touch Screen

PiOS does support Touch Screens out of the box.

Right Mouse Button

To be able to access the context menus, a right mouse click emulation is needed.
This solution converts a long click into a right mouse click:

The Utility

Install the dependencies:

sudo apt install libevdev2
sudo apt install libinput*

Unzip the sources and compile the utility:

cd evdev-right-click-emulation-master

Start the utility for testing:

sudo evdev-right-click-emulation-master/out/evdev-rce

Check if the display is recognised.

Auto start the Utility

Copy the utility directly in the home directory:

cp evdev-right-click-emulation-master/out/evdev-rce .

Create a file named as /home/pi/.config/autostart/LongClick.desktop

Edit this file and put the following contents in it:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sudo /home/pi/evdev-rce

Makefile for PiOS 11

(Lothar) Fixes the build error under PiOS 11.

CC := gcc
XFLAGS := -Wall -std=c11 -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L
LIBRARIES := -levdev
INCLUDES := -I/usr/include/libevdev-1.0

OUTDIR := out
SOURCES := uinput.c input.c rce.c
OBJS := $(SOURCES:%.c=$(OUTDIR)/%.o)
TARGET := $(OUTDIR)/evdev-rce

.PHONY: all clean

$(OUTDIR)/%.o: %.c
	@mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LIBRARIES) -o $@

all: $(TARGET)
	rm -rf $(OUTDIR)
raspi/install/rpi-install-en.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/13 00:32 by rainerk