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Rocrail General Tab:

:!: A restart of the server is required in order the changes to take effect!

Track plan file

The current track plan file name.
With the button [ . . . ] a file chooser dialog is started.

Analyse at startup

Uncheck this option if the analyser should not check the plan at server startup.

Auto save

Save the plan and loco XML during automatic mode with an interval of X minutes.
If set to zero, default, no auto save will be done.

Auto save on modify

Save the plan after every modification without making backups.

Block occupancy

This file will be used to record all block occupancies and other useful information at runtime for recovery purpose.
With the button [ . . . ] a file chooser dialog is started.
If this file name is not set, the recovery block occupancy will be disabled, and is only written at shutdown in the track plan file.


The XML file containing all locomotives, cars and operators.
This field is optional and default blank.
Without defining this file the locomotives, cars and operators are saved in the track plan file.
If a file name is entered here later, Rocrail shifts in case the next storing the related data from the track plan file into this locomotive file.
With the button [ . . . ] a file chooser dialog is started.

Track plan type

If the file name does not exist the Rocrail server will create it at next restart.

Type Description
Default The most used plan format for a normal layered layout.
Module plan For creating a modular layout.


This option will create the backup directory if it is not already present and copies the previous track plan file, prefixed with a time stamp, in this directory.


Number of backup files to keep in the backup directory.
The default for this value is 100 files. Range: 10…10000
The cleanup of the backup files is done at a Save command and at server shutdown.


Year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, mseconds


Content of the backup directory after 2 times save or shutdown:

$ ls -l backup/
-rw-r--r--  1 rob  staff  3696 24 Aug 16:07 20120824160729833-plan.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 rob  staff  3696 24 Aug 16:22 20120824162215119-plan.xml

Key path

The path and name of the Rocrail donation key. The key can be shared with all work spaces if set with an absolute path.
With the button [ . . . ] a file chooser dialog is started.

Library path

The path where all Rocrail libraries are located. A dot means the working directory. ( *.dll and *.so files)

Image path

The path where images are located.
If Rocview does not locally find an image it will request it from the Rocrail server and save it for the next time. This will be very helpfull if there are multiple Rocview's and/or Mobile Clients connected to one Rocrail server to avoid manually installing all the images on all client computers. In this Example you have to create a subfolder named "images" in your Rocrail working directory on your server. Make sure that your image folder name and the entry in the Rocrail properties dialog are equal. You don't have to set a / or a \ in front of the name if the folder is directly under your Rocrail server working directory.

  • Note: Depending on the OS (eg Windows) requires Rocweb the absolute path to display the images.

Image requirements:

  • The image size is limited to 50KB
  • It is recommended to provide images with max. 256 colors to be compatible with Mobile Clients.

If an image or icon is not found in the standard directories a recursive file search is started on the Server.
This allows a free defined directory structure which can be helpful in case of many images and icons to get it organised.


If no image is found in the "Image path" the ArchiveBox will be searched for.

Small Images

Some clients, like iRoc & andRoc, ask for small images: 50 pix in height.
Rocrail will try to locate it in the sub directory /small. The filename and extension must be match with the one found in the Image path.
If Rocrail cannot provide a small image it will send the normal 80 pix high version found in the image path.

Create small images on Linux

this script executed in your images folder will create the folder "small", resizes the images to a height of 50px and compresses them.

mkdir small
mogrify -path small -resize 300x50 -format png *
cd small
pngnq -e .pngx *.png
for i in *.pngx; do mv $i ${i%%.pngx}.png; done
cd ..

Note: mogrify is part of the imagemagick package. pngnq is it's own package.

Icon path

Optional extra directory for function icons.
This could be of use for large layouts with many locomotives and function icons to keep things well-arranged.
The search order is:

  1. Image path
  2. Small image path
  3. Icon path
  4. Recursive

Issues path

The issues path is used to store user triggered reports: Create an Issue

Sound path

The path where sound files are located played for loco functions with the specified player.

Sound Player

OS Name Remark
Mac OS X afplay Pre-installed
Linux mplayer Package mplayer
Windows wmplayer Pre-installed
Windows sndrec32 Pre-installed; wav only,
but multiple simultaneous
Note for Windows users:
The "wmplayer" can using very many file formats, but unfortunately does it not play simultaneously or overlapped.
It's better to convert mp3 files to wav files and play with the player sndrec32.
This is easy with a script: c:\windows\system32\sndrec32.exe /play /close /embedding %1
(Rocrail replaces %1 with path/file name of sound to play)
This can sndrec32 multiple calling simultaneously or overlapped and with the parameters above
all the sounds will be played in the background and without resources for windows, etc.
Note for Win7 users:
Copy sndrec32.exe to the directory: C:\Windows\System32\.
Change the properties/compatibility of the sndrec32.exe file to Windows 7
Note for Win 64bit users:
Copy sndrec32.exe to the directory: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\.
Change the properties/compatibility of the sndrec32.exe file to Windows 7
(see here: german forum thread)

Add loco location parameter

This option can be helpful for selecting a speaker near the block where the loco resides.
A user defined script is needed to use the extra parameter(s).


  1. sound file name
  2. block ID
  3. sensor ID

Script example

if [ !  $1 ]; then
  echo "usage  : [file] <blockid> <sensorid>"
  echo "example: typhoon.mp3"
  exit $?
if [ $2 ]; then
  echo "blockID =" $2
if [ $3 ]; then
  echo "sensorID =" $3
echo "afplay" $1
afplay $1

XmlScript Path

The XmlScript path is used to lookup and store XmlScripts.
Blanks are not supported!
See XmlScripting

Decoder Path

The Decoder path is used to lookup decoder specs for use in RocPro.
Blanks are not supported!

Short circuit

Some boosters feature an extra output for signaling a short circuit.


The sensor for detecting the external short circuit.


The command station which will be informed of the external short circuit event.


If using an other Command Station for programming decoders than the default, first one in the list, it can be set here by IID. See also Extra Programming Controller


If using an other Command Stations for mobile decoders than the default, first one in the list, it can be set here by IID.
This is for locomotives where the iid is not set.


If using an other Command Stations for dispatching for a throttle than the default, first one in the list, it can be set here by IID.


If using an other Command Stations for LocoIO programming than the default, first one in the list, it can be set here by IID.


Uncheck this option incase the file system is not UTF-8.

  • Loading images with special characters.
  • Read/write plan files with special characters.
  • Uncheck for Rocrail server or Rocview if one or both are running Windows.

Copy to clipboard

Copy the complete Rocrail configuration to the clipboard.
Encoding is UTF-8.

rocrailini-gen-en.1553845557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 08:45 by rjversluis