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Note: Changes to option selection require a restart of the server to be activated


Set routeid for all automatic detected routes

Used to indicates the active route by the route representation

Set blockid for all blocks

Used to set the representation of items to occupied

Assign signals to blocks

Assign signals or distant signals to a block (if not already set)

Assign feedbacks to blocks

Assign feedbacks for action "enter" and/or "in" to "all enter +" and/or "all enter -" routes of blocks and selection tables (if not already set) [1]

Clean all Router

Clean routeid of all automatic detected routes

Reset blockid in whole plan

Reset signal assignments in all blocks

Reset feedback assignments in all blocks

In blocks and selection tables remove action "enter" and "in" for "all enter +" or "all enter -" [1]

Extended plan check

Basic checks on all items

Validate z-level definitions/assignments, text (invalid size), connectors, blockids, routeids

Checks concerning blocks

Sensor/action check; route/feedback validation

Checks concerning routes

From, to, crossing blocks, usage, run direction; (switch) commands

Check actions and conditions

Check/validate actions (WIP) and action conditions everywhere in the plan

Extended plan clean

Clean basic problems on all items

Remove/clean entries for all issues detected by the check above [2]

Clean block problems

Remove/clean entries for all issues detected by the check above [2]

Clean route problems

Remove/clean entries for all issues detected by the check above [2]

Clean action and condition problems

Clean/repair not yet implemented [2]

Note: Extended plan check/clean are work in progress. Be careful with the clean options. Backup your data before using them.

[1] if "enter2in" is configured for "all enter +" or "all enter -" feedback assignment or reset is skipped for that block
[2] these options are automatically disabled after every usage

How to use "Extended plan clean":

  • save your plan
  • Rocview menu: File → Rocrail Properties… → Router
  • in the last section "Extended plan clean" select the desired fields
  • restart Rocrail
  • Rocview menu: File → Router → Extended plan clean
  • restart Rocrail
rocrailini-router-it.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/20 00:16 by smitt48