Table of Contents
LEDScript runs in WIO context, and can be activated by Rocrail commands.
Its a simple plain ASCII file, which must be uploaded to the WIO.
Update 25.01.2025: with WIO version 872 dated 16.04.2024 the timing for p commands (pause) has changed from 10ms to 50ms !!!
All LEDScripts using p commands (pause) will be executed slower. Please adapt the LEDScripts in use.
The wiki examples will be updated the next days.
Only Unix linefeeds are allowed. |
The text format has some restrictions:
- A blank line will stop the LEDScript parser the same as with 'end'.
- Comment lines are prefixed with the '#' sign, and are restricted to 64 characters incl. linefeed.
- Only linefeeds are allowed without extra carriage return. (Unix format)
- Max. 32 sequences are allowed.
File naming
The filename must be formatted like this:
The number, <nr> ranges from 01
to 99
Zero, *00.led, cannot be addressed.
The header just contains one line:
s <iterations> | The max. number iterations is 255, and zero will cause an endless loop. |
o <report> | Report end of script in case set to 1. (Default 1, set to 0 for disable reporting.) |
LED Definition
l <nr> | Starting LED address, and triggers a new record |
c <count> | Number of LEDs starting from l address |
C <count> | random LED from range l address to C |
+ or - <count> | to increase step by step (instead of c or C) *1 |
r <red> | RGB red value |
g <green> | RGB green value |
b <blue> | RGB blue value |
i <brightness> | LED brightness |
< or > <brightness> | to decrease/increase LED brightness step by step (instead of i or I) (Ver 380+) |
p <pause> | Pause in units of 50ms. Up to WIO version 875, 10ms |
R <red> | RGB red randomised with the given max. value or range* (musn't be 0) |
G <green> | RGB green randomised with the given max. value or range* (musn't be 0) |
B <blue> | RGB blue randomised with the given max. value or range* (musn't be 0) |
I <brightness> | LED brightness randomised with the given max. value |
P <pause> | Randomised pause in units of 50ms with the given max. value. Up to WIO version 875, 10ms |
a | Randomise this definition, RGB, brightness and pause values with the given max. values |
The rgbip values can be left out, and in this case the last parsed values are used.
*range: A 16bit RGB value range. Example: Range from 150 to 220. Value = 220+(150*256)=38620 (Ver 374+)
*1: for increase until the next l command. With + the LEDs stays on, with - not. See example below (Ver 377+)
LED Reset
If t
> 0 this is used at the end of the script to reset LEDs.
d <nr> | Starting LED address |
t <count> | Number of LEDs starting from d address |
At a LED(output) off command, the following fields are used to reset LEDs, if the LEDs are still on after the script has finished.
D <nr> | Starting LED address |
T <count> | Number of LEDs starting from D address |
e | End of the LEDScript. |
Uploading LEDScript files can be done with a WEB Browser as explained here:
Upload by WEB Browser
Set the address value, <nr>, between 1 and 99 and set port type to LEDScript.
Car Function
Set the LED address value greater then 100, and <nr> is address - 100.
# From WIO version 875 # Color change red green s2 # led 0 to 5 l0 c5 r255 g0 b0 i50 p50 # led 0 to 2 l0 c5 r255 g255 b0 i50 p50 # end #LED-reset D0 T20 e
# From WIO version 875 # start 0=endless loop, 1...255=iterations s0 # led 0 to 19 l0 c20 # random a r255 g100 b100 i80 p4 #LED-reset d0 t20 e
Increase LED nr.
# From WIO version 875 # warning lights s0 //Script declared endless l0 -6 //starting increase with LEDs off after p r255 g115 b0 i150 p2 //end increase l0 c6 r255 g115 b0 i150 p1 l0 c6 i0 p20 l0 +6 //starting increase with LEDs staying on after p r255 g115 b0 i150 p2 //end increase l0 c6 i0 p20 #LED-reset, all LED off d0 t6 e
increase/decrease brightness
# From WIO version 875 #brightinc s0 l0 c1 r255 g80 b0 >150 //increase brightness l1 c1 r255 g80 b0 <150 //decrease brightness #LED-reset, LED ausschalten. d0 t2 e
WIO LEDScript Parser
The WIO parser is very simple, and reads the file line by line.
After reading a line, the first character is checked as listed in the Instructions paragraph.
If a number is expected, the C function atoi() is used with the line pointer + 1. A none numeric character should follow the number.
Because of the simple nature of this parser, it is also allowed to add some text to make the LEDScript more readable:
i80 // brightness 80 of 255 p20 // pause 20 * 50ms. Up to WIO version 875, 10ms end
But the total line length, incl. linefeed, should not exceed the 64 byte boundary.