Table of Contents
Turntable AccDec
Indice → Oggetti → Piattaforma
Control type for modified Roco and Fleischman turntables. – A special decoder for turntables is not necessary.
Turntable controlled by two (magnetic) switches. Fill in the two adresses, for motor on/off and for direction forwards/rewards.
If the turntable moves into the wrong direction, mark "swap rotation direction" below on the panel.
The following hints to modify the turntable are valid only for the Roco 42615. In 2001 Peter Brandenburg wrote an howto to modify the control unit of the turntable (the turntable itself remains in her original condition). His solution is a) to remove the motordirectionswitch of the control unit (after having opened it) and to solder three cables onto these contacts and to use three cables as connection to the first accessory/magnetic switch (dir: fwd/rwd) and b) two other cables from the unit to the second magnetic switch (motor:on/off). – See also the German Wiki: Drehscheibe-Schnittstelle-AccDec.
Diagram to connect the control unit of the Roco turntable to two magnetic switches (diagram made by Peter Brandenburg)
Bridge Occupancy: The black string of the 8-conductor cable is connected to a tracksensor (e.g. LDT RM-GB-8, Viessmann 5233, Boll S88-GBM), violet string to the digital trackpower.
Feedbacks have to be installed only for existing tracks; see turntable-en.
Itinerari Rocrail
All routes leading from blocks to the turntable bridge have to integrate the "switch" turntable with the appropiate tracknumber (Rocrail sends then a "goto tracknumber" command). See Setup.
All the logical processes to use the turntable automatically are implemented in Rocrail.