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General XML Script Examples

Command Examples

:!: The quotes on this page can not be used in XML.
ToDo: Prefix and suffix the examples with double % chars in the Wiki source.
Wrong: <lc id="test"/>
Right: <lc id="test"/>

Loc Commands

Within foreach table loops (no ID is required, its for all that match the conditions) Within if or as single command outside a loop (ID is required) Remarks
<lc cmd="gotoblock" blockid="Sbf"/> <lc id="V200" cmd="gotoblock" blockid="Sbf"/> set the destination block "Sbf"
<lc cmd="useschedule" scheduleid="Nirvana"/> <lc id="V200" cmd="useschedule" scheduleid="Nirvana"/> set the schedule to "Nirvana"
<lc cmd="go"/> <lc id="@loco" cmd="stop"/> Loc start/stop
<lc cmd="gotoblock" blockid="@var6"/> <lc id="V200" cmd="gotoblock" blockid="@var6"/> set the destination block to the var6 Text
<lc cmd="gotoblock" blockid="$tx1"/> <lc id="V200" cmd="gotoblock" blockid="$tx1"/> set the destination block to the tx1 Textfield Text
<lc cmd="useschedule" scheduleid="@var6"/> <lc id="V200" cmd="useschedule" scheduleid="@var6"/> set the schedule to the var6 Text
<lc cmd="useschedule" scheduleid="Nirvana"/> <lc id="V200" cmd="useschedule" scheduleid="Nirvana"/> set the schedule to the tx1 Textfield Text
<lc cmd="go"/> <lc id="@var6" cmd="stop"/> or <lc id="$tx1" cmd="stop"/> Loc @var6 or Loc $tx1 start/stop
<lc cmd="velocity" v="5"/> <lc id="V200" cmd="velocity" v="5"/> set the velocity to 5
-not available- (only one loc can be in a a block) <lc id="loco1" cmd="block" blockid="b1"/> puts the loc with ID loco1 in Block "b1"
-not available- (only one loc can be in a a block) <lc bkid="bk1" … /> or <lc bkid="@var6" … /> or <lc bkid="$tx1" … /> the lcid of the loc in Block bk1 / @var6 (Variabletext) /$tx1 (Textfieldtext)
<fn fnchanged="3" f3="true"/> <fn id="loco1" fnchanged="3" f3="true"/> Functions true/false

Commands: go, stop, velocity, velocity2, percent dispatch, swap, blockside, carcount, min, mid, cruise, max, consist, assigntrain, releasetrain, binstate_on, binstate_off, class, x-go, pomwrite


Within foreach table loops (Sub-ID required, its for all that match the conditions) Within if (ID is required) Remarks
<vr id="var2%oid%" text="empty"/> <vr id="var2" text="empty"/> set the text of a variable
<vr id="var2%oid%" value="0"/> <vr id="var2" value="0"/> set the value of a variable
<vr id="var1%oid%" value="4711" text="empty"/> <vr id="var1" value="4711" text="empty"/> set value and text of var1
<vr id="var3%oid%" value="#var3 + #var5"/> <vr id="var3" value="#var3 + #var5"/> add the value of var5 to var3
<vr id="var2%oid%" value="#var2%oid% + 4"/> <vr id="var2" value="#var2 + 4"/> increase a variable by 4
<vr id="var2%oid%" min="10" max="100" cmd="random"/> <vr id="var2" min="10" max="100" cmd="random"/> set the value of var2 to a random between min and max
<vr id="var2%oid%" cmd="start"/> <vr id="var2" cmd="start"/> start the timer of var2 (start/stop)
<vr id="var3%oid%" text="$tx1"/> <vr id="var3" text="$tx1"/> the text of var3 gets the Text of the Textobject tx1


Within foreach table loops (no ID is required, its for all that match the conditions) Within if (ID is required) Remarks
<lc cmd="classset" class="AB,DD"/> <lc id="loco" cmd="classset" class="AB,DD"/> set the loc class to AB,DD
<lc cmd="classset" class="AB,DD"/> <lc id="@var6" cmd="classset" class="AB,DD"/> set the loc class (variable from var6 text) to AB,DD
<bk cmd="classdel" class="AB"/> <bk id="4711" cmd="classdel" class="AB"/> deletes the blockclass AB
<bk cmd="classdel" class="AB"/> <bk id="$tx1" cmd="classdel" class="AB"/> deletes the blockclass AB (variable from tx1 Textfield)
<bk cmd="classadd" class="CD,EE1"/> <bk id="4711" cmd="classadd" class="CD,EE1"/> adds the blockclass CD,EE1


Within foreach table loops (no ID is required, its for all that match the conditions) Within if (ID is required) Remarks
-not available- (a block can be reserved only for one loco) <bk id="b2" cmd="reserve" lcid="loco1"/> reserve the block b2 for the loco loco1


Within foreach table loops (no ID is required, its for all that match the conditions) Within if (ID is required) Remarks
-the availability need to clear- <fb id="fb1" cmd="on"/> set the sensor status


Within foreach table loops (no ID is required, its for all) Within if (ID is required) Remarks
-not availible- (changing a textbox within a loop doesn't make sense) <tx id="tx1" format="var1 is #var1 @var1"/> updates the text of tx1 with the value and text of var1

Sleep Command

Within foreach table loops (sleep will be done every loop!) Within if (ID is required) Remarks
<sleep time="10"/> <sleep time="10"/> the script is paused by 10 (max. 100ms allowed, values greater than 100ms will be set to 100)
<sleep time="#varSleep"/> <sleep time="#varSleep"/> the script is paused by the value of the variable varSleep (max. 100ms)

Condition Examples

Examples for checking multiple conditions:

<if condition="@var1 = hallo|#var1 = 4712">                          : if the text of var1 = hallo AND the value of var1=4712 - if alltrue is not set, it's true         
<if condition="@var1 = hallo|#var1 = 4712" alltrue="true">           : if the text of var1 = hallo AND the value of var1=4712     
<if condition="@var1 = hallo|#var1 = 4712" alltrue="false">          : if the text of var1 = hallo OR the value of var1=4712 

Examples for checking conditions, states and classes

<if condition="#var1 < &time" state="sg sem3 = green" class="bk 4711 = AB" alltrue="true"> : if var1 < serialtimevalue AND the state of Signal sem3 is green AND the class of Block 4711 is AB

Example for checking whole tables:

<foreach table="lclist" condition="#var2%oid% < &time|#var1 < &time">                      : for each where the variable var2%lcid% < the actual serialtime value AND var1 < the actual serialtime value - if alltrue is not set, it's true         
<foreach table="lclist" condition="#var2%oid% < &time|#var1 < &time" alltrue="true">       : for each where the variable var2%lcid% < the actual serialtime value AND var1 < the actual serialtime value    
<foreach table="lclist" condition="#var2%oid% < &time|#var1 < &time" alltrue="false">      : for each where the variable var2%lcid% < the actual serialtime value OR var1 < the actual serialtime value     

Sub Scripts and Exit Script

To call a sub-script or to exit the actual script:

XML Remarks
<sub file="reset.xml"/> start the script reset.xml
<exit cmt="Raus hier!"/> exit this script here

The cmt=“reason” can be used for tracing.

Loop Break

To leave a loop when a condition match:

XML Remarks
<break cmt="Its enough." condition="#var1 = 4712"/> leaves the loop if the value of var1 = 4712

The cmt=“reason” can be used for tracing.

Action control

To call an existing Action if a condition is true

<actionctrl id="test">
    <actioncond id="sw1" subid="" state="straight" type="sw"/>

Action "test" is called, if switch sw1 has the state "straight"
To call an existing action several times from scripts with several conditions.

Operator and Car Commands

<car id="car1" cmd="loaded"/>
<actionctrl id="test">
    <operator id="op1" cmd="emptycar" carids="DB1"/>

emptycar, loadcar, addcar, leavecar In the carids attribute a list of cars must be specified.
Car Commands:empty, loaded, maintenance
Operator Commands:addcar, removecar, loadcar, emptycar, class

System Commands

<sys cmd="go"/>

Commands: stoplocs, stop, go, shutdown, resume, on, off, ebreak, resetfx, time, v0locos, shortcut(short circuit)

Example Code

  <sys cmd="go"/>
  <vr id="var1" value="4712" text="hallo"/>
  <tx id="tx1" format="var1 is #var1 @var1"/>
  <bk id="b1" cmd="classadd" class="ZZ"/>
  <vr id="varX" text="loco1"/>
  <lc id="@varX" cmd="classadd" class="ZZ"/>
  <car id="car1" cmd="loaded"/>
  <actionctrl id="test">
    <actioncond id="sw1" subid="" state="straight" type="sw"/>
  <operator id="op1" cmd="emptycar" carids="DB1"/>
  <if condition="@var1 = hallo|#var1 = 4712">
      <tx id="tx1" format="var1 is #var1 @var1 OK!!"/>
      <lc id="loco1" cmd="block" blockid="b1"/>
      <vr id="var2" min="10" max="100" cmd="random"/>
      <tx id="tx1" format="var1 is #var1 @var1 OK!! #var2"/>
      <vr id="var2" cmd="start"/>
      <vr id="var3" text="$tx1"/>
      <sub file="reset.xml"/>
      <exit cmt="Raus hier!"/>
  <foreach table="lclist">
    <vr id="var4%oid%" value="4711" text="empty"/>
    <break cmt="Its enough." condition="#var1 = 4712"/>
xmlscripting/xmldb-en.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/10 15:06 by rjversluis