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Block Embedded Sensors
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Not recommended for novice users, and as Slave block NOT usable. |
A block with embedded sensors saves space in the track plan, and can speed up creating a new track plan.
After dropping this type of block the following actions will be automatically handled by the server:
- Generate two new invisible sensor objects with IDs fitting to the block: "blockID+" and "blockID-".
In the example above: left Block side = "bk1+" and right Block side = "bk1-" - Generate the four route events for both sides of the block; Enter and In.
Setting the sensor addresses must be done manually.
See also: Changing IDs
For a convertion of a Block with separate sensors into a Block with embedded sensors
see: Block menue in mode "Edit panel"
Track picker dialog
Simulating the sensors
The sensors can be simulated like the separate sensors with the Left Mouse button.
The sensor which will be activated depends of the mouse position in the respective quarter of the Block symbol.
Changing IDs
Whether and how IDs can be changed depends on how the block and the embedded sensors were created. |
Created directly as a "Block with embedded sensors"
These sensors are marked in the Sensor index with the position 0;-1,-1.
As described above, get embedded sensors which are did direct created the ID of the block plus the identifier of the block side. This relation between the IDs is a necessary requirement for the function. Therefore, changes to the IDs of the block and of the sensors must be made synchronously.
Before: Block = "bk1"; Sensor plusside = "bk1+"; Sensor minusside = "bk1-".
Afterwards: Block = "Block1"; Sensor plusside = "Block1+"; Sensor minusside = "Block1-".
These direct embedded sensors can not be displayed as separate sensors.
Converted "Block with separate sensors"
These sensors are marked in the Sensor index with the position 0;0,0.
First was a block with separate sensors created and later converted in the mode "Edit panel" with the Block context menu function Block with embedded sensors
The IDs of converted sensors must NOT be changed, because the relation "Sensors → Block" is fixed and without Dialog access. |
The ID of the converted block does not have this restriction and may be changed at will.
If wished, these converted sensors can with the 'Show' option also be displayed and positioned as separate sensors.