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The addressing is linear: FADA
Only the Bus(ID) and the Address fields are used.

Addressing starts in Rocrail with one; Null is not used.
Port zero on the LC is in Rocrail address one.


BiDiB Port Rocrail Address Rocrail Port
0 1 0
1 2 0
127 128 0

if sensor and input types at the same board exist the sensor range is 1 .. 128 and the input types are at 201 .. 328.

Tip: Use the Sensor Monitor to find the right address.

Important Options



  • Current sense occupancy detection.
  • RailCom® detection; Rocrail Code.1)
  • RailCom® KM/H.
  • Read/Write CV's on the main, POM, reported by RailCom® mobile decoders.
  • CV Programming on the service track. (No hardware available yet.)
  • Loco control; velocity, functions…
  • BiDiB & DCC Accessory control.
  • All port types and macros.
  • External throttle support. (MultiMaus, LH90, LH100)
  • Booster diagnostics

WhiteCurrentAuto scaled; "mA max." is 100%


Adding a bidib controller


Interface ID

IID for addressing this interface directly from without Rocrail.



Device name of the RS232 port.
Typically COMx for Windows; Check the device manager.


The FDTI is supported out of the box: use /dev/ttyUSBx for Linux based systems.
See also USB Mapping.

Mac OS X

For Mac OS X the FDTI device driver must be installed: USB to Serial.
After install and connecting the GBMBoost Master a new serial device is found under "/dev/tty.*".
If the productID is not factory standard follow this setup: OpenDCC USB Setup


Host name or IP address.


TCP port.


Communication speed in Bits Per Second.
The current version of the GBMBoost supports 115200 only.


Hardware handshake CTS/RTS.
Disable handshake only if the hardware does not support it.


  • Serial (USB)
  • TCP: CANService (Ethernet)
  • NetBiDiB (Tams mc2)


Secure ACK


To activate the secure ACK option of the BiDiB protocol.


The secure ACK interval in 10ms units. 20 is the default. (200ms)
If Rocrail did not send an ACK with in this time frame the event will be resend by the sensor unit.

Reset manually operated accessories

If a manually operated accessory is reported, as error, Rocrail will try to reset it back to its last known state.

Report absent

If this option is activated, it will be reported if a loco ID is no longer recognized by a RailCom detector.  

Query inputs

Query also inputs at "Start of Day".
Only modules which are reporting number of inputs > 0 and using the Flat port model.


The TCP Port for the BiDiB-Wizard.
If multiple masters are connected to this computer, every library must have its own unique port.



The Watchdog Feature will be automatically checked at startup.


This node overview list will be automatically generated during the connection setup between Rocrail and the BiDiB interface.


Read the Configuration page for more information on node configuration.


  • CAT 5 Twisted pair cable. (AKA Ethernet patch cable)

Multi RailCom detection

To be able to detect multiple Railcom decoders in the same section the following option must be set:

IRM Location Reports

The reported Location ID must mach with a Sensor-ID in Rocrail.
This sensor should have its address set to zero.
The reporting address is used for the sensor Code.
IRM only reports arrival and not depart, so for automatically reset use the Sensor Timer.

Automatic mode

It is recommended not to add or remove BiDiB modules to/from the bus in automatic mode because this will cause a lot of communication traffic and leads to strong delayed events.
The track power will be shut off in case a module is reported as 'lost'.

Programming Track (PT)

Starting with firmware 2.1.4 the GBMBoost Master can be used as Programming Track.
Before programming on the PT the PT-Mode must be set, see the PT Button on the Programming Tab.

BiDiB Wizard

The Wizard can be connected to TCP port 62875 to configure nodes.
The Communication must be disabled before port 62875 will be serviced.

netBiDiB / BiDiB Broker

mc2-setup-en.jpg The netBiDiB communication is available on port 62875.
Automatic discover is not supported

Pairing UID

The Rocrail pairing UID is fixed and is as followed assembled:

UID = (IANA-PEN << 32) + (IANA-PORT << 16) + (NMRA-VID)


Max. 4 in the same section.
bidib-en.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/07 17:24 by rjversluis