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LocDialog General Tab.

All text fields which are marked with a @ can open the @Box by a single click on its label if the text field is not empty.
The text field contents will be used to do a find.


The ID is used through out the Rocrail program as unique key for referencing this locomotive and is therefore very important.

Note: With some command stations the ID in Rocrail must match exactly the one on the command station. See the wiki page of the relevant command station for details, if applicable.

Use Short ID

The Short ID is used for showing this loco on a throttle display. It is free text and optional.
The max. length of a Short ID depends on the purpose, but in general keep it short.
The checkbox must be set to enable transferring the short ID to a throttle for this locomotive.
Select in the locomotive tab context menu "Set Short ID" to write this to the command station.
Activate menu item Rocview -> Control -> Transmit Short IDs to transfer all previous set Short IDs to a connected throttle.
Supported Command Stations:


AKA Identifier

This is used by several BiDi systems like RailCom, RFID, Lissy, Transponding and so on.
For the RFID Notation read the CAN-GC4 page.
If the code is very long, RFID, it can be assigned with the Sensor monitor.

Road Name

Also called Railroad Road Name.
This can be used in combination with andRoc and categories.


The locomotive owner if different then the Roadname company.


Road number of the locomotive for the given Road Name.

Home location

Optional block or location ID to use as the home of this locomotive.
This can be used in the Context menus of Block and Locomotive Throttle.

If the home-location is set as the destination (by the context menu or by an action), the loco stops when it arrives there.
If the loco happens to pass through the block in the aquarium mode, it will continue its way.

Home side

The home side is used by the Finder to find a path to the wanted side of the home block.


Free text to describe your locomotive which is only used for display. Optional.
Mostly used for manufacturer and type information.


The loco image file name selected by clicking the image which opens a File Dialog to select one. A small set of default images are included with Rocrail, but you can create your own images and then use them.
Images should be 80 pixels in height, and in one of the supported formats.
A recursive search will be started on the Server if an image is not directly found in the Image path.

Supported formats:

  • PNG (preferred)
  • GIF
  • XPM
:!: The BMP format is not supported and could crash Rocview(wxWidgets); No Forum support.

At the server it is allowed to create sub directories of the images-directory. Rocrail does a recursive search and grab pictures from all subs. This might be helpful for great picture collections.
If decided to store pictures at client side (Rocview) only the images-directory is valid. Pictures in sub-directories to images- are not found.

In the second field an additional locomotive image can be selected that will be used instead of the mirrored first image.
The third field is a special image to show in blocks which overrules the first two images.

A helpful link with many loco images:


Some Control Stations, like Massoth, needs an image number for showing the right picture on the hand held.


No block fit checking is done if this field is left to zero. To prevent running in a block too short for the train it is wise to set the length in all Blocks and to specify the length of the loco or the train here. There are two options:

  1. If no trains were assembled in Rocrail, then, the length of the entire train (locomotive plus all cars) has to be entered.
  2. If trains were assembled, only the length of the loco has to be specified here. The total length is then automatically calculated when a train is assigned to the loco and results from the length of the locomotive plus the sum of all car lengths. This is the most convenient option as the correct length is calculated automatically depending on the attached train assembly, however, assumes that all car-lengths were entered.

The unit, e.g. cm, mm or inch, is user-defined but has to be the same for all length definitions throughout Rocrail, i.e. Block Length and Automatic Settings. Depending on the scale used, the most suitable unit can be applied.


This number reflects the minimal radius of a locomotive can safely operate on curved tracks.
No checking is done, if this field is zero.


This number reflects the weight of this locomotive.

Max. incline

This number reflects the maximum incline a locomotive can safely operate.
No checking is done, if this field is zero.

Number of Axis

This number reflects the number of axels on this locomotive.

Nr. of cars

The second field is for the number of cars of this consist. Used for car counting in routes.


Throttle number for receiving the short ID.
The Throttle number can be specified between 0 and 255.

Wheel diameter

For documentation only; Has no effect in automatic mode.


For documentation only; Has no effect in automatic mode.

Catalog number

Only for your records and is nowhere displayed jet.


HTTP link to the user's guide of this locomotive. Pushing the triple dot button will open the default WEB browser with the specified page.
The file explorer will be opened if the links is a directory in the file system.

Date of purchase

Only for your records and is nowhere displayed.


Only for your records and is nowhere displayed.

Run time

This value ist set by Rocrail and is the elapsed time the locomotive has run.


This date ist set by Rocrail and is the last date that the locomotive has run.


Last maintenance time.
In parenthesis the elapsed time since the last maintenance.


Last maintenance date.


Maintenance interval in hours.


Sets the maintenance time equal to the run time.
This button will have a red background if the difference between the run time and maintenance time is greater than the maintenance interval.

Loco Tab

The loco ID in the locoTab will be red if a Loco needs maintenance.


Free text for making notes.


See Actions for more details.
Loco actions are related to movement and functions: run, stall, min, mid, cruise, max, lights, f1-f28.
(Functions added in revision 3192.)

loc-gen-en.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/04 12:17 by rjversluis