Table of Contents
Car Interface
A car decoder can be controlled with function actions.
If the address > 0 the car will be also listed in the loco control dialog.
Command Station dependent value. (Selectrix, BiDiB, CBUS, …)
The decoder address which range depends on the decoder type and underlying Command Station.
Interface ID
If more than one command station is used, then the command station that is responsible for controlling the decoder is specified in this field. The "Interface identifier" field can remain empty if the object is connected to the first command station (first 'digint' in rocrail.ini) from the list of command stations.
Some command stations do support multiple protocols; Check the user manual for details.
Protocol version
If the Command Station cannot determine the decoder type itself you must specify the version as listed here ddx-en or found in the SRCP description. Most systems do not use this parameter because it is set directly in the CS or it does only support one version.
Decoder steps
Some Command Stations need this value to allow function commands.
Send direction and velocity commands from the operator/throttle to the function decoder.
This option is required if a control car's lights are to be changed together with the locomotive in a train.
Invert the direction before sending it.
Logical Direction
Checked is default, unchecked is swapped.
Send a function command from the operator to the function decoder.
Use the function number if the lights are not mapped to F0.
This option is required if a control car's lights are to be changed together with the locomotive in a train.
Speed command
Send a speed command for function 0 instead of a function command.
Translation table for velocity hints to percent.
This could be of interest for motorized cleaning cars.