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BBT Generate IN


The Generate IN option in the locomotive properties / BBT is used to create additional breakpoints before the physical in sensor. This requires a physical in sensor: enter and in will generate a corresponding line with the values ​​for the locomotive in the Calculation list.

This line can be changed later by setting the options fixed and Generate IN and adjusting the Deceleration time to the desired (smaller) value. The changes are then accepted with the button Modify. This results in a breakpoint that lies in front of the physical in sensor.

In addition, the Generate IN option can be used in blocks with only one sensor (enter) to set the breakpoint by BBT alone.

Generate IN as an alternative to enter2in

If only one sensor is available in a block, the in event is normally created with a enter2in sensor. Alternatively, the Generate IN option can be used to generate the in event.

This option is not a recommendation; it is strongly advised to provide two physical feedbacks in each block. This is the safest and most reliable variant. Only one feedback per block always means a considerable configuration effort, combined with the danger of achieving unexpected effects through incorrect settings.
The approach presented below should be reserved for users who have already become thoroughly familiar with Rocrail and its capabilities. Experiences in handling BBT are absolutely necessary.

It should be noted that a passing train does not generate an in event in the block because BBT is not involved. Instead, the in event is only generated in the next block by its enter sensor. This requires a up to date Rocrail revision!

Creating a BBT record

With only one feedback in the block, the difficulty arises that no automatic BBT recording is possible. That is, the corresponding line under Calculation must be created by other means or by hand.

BBT recording with "dummy" sensor

For this purpose, a (not necessarily physically present) feedback is set up and configured in the appropriate route in the block properties as an in event. Then in automatic mode a locomotive is driven into the block and as soon as it reaches the desired point, the detector is triggered manually. After switching off the automatic mode, the corresponding BBT record should be found under Calculation, which will then be adjusted accordingly by hand. The "dummy" sensor is then removed from the route settings again. Possibly, this procedure must be repeated for other routes or the BBT record is copied1).

BBT recording with enter2in

Without the detour of a (temporary) in sensor the following procedure can be applied:

  1. Set up the block with enter2in: Set timer to 5000 (= 5sec) or more, BBT active.
  2. Activate the loco BBT: "Use speed", steps 10, start interval 200 (as an example).
  3. Put locomotive in the previous block, turn on automatic mode and start locomotive.
  4. Click sensor enter2in: Locomotive brakes with BBT to Vmin - this can be tracked in the command station window or in the throttle control.
  5. Locomotive drives with Vmin until the timer of enter2in expires (5 sec) and the locomotive stops (block turns red).
  6. Switch off automatic mode and check the BBT recording in the loco settings: If the current block in the BBT line is under steps "10" (or the specified number), the recording has been completely created (if not, set the start interval time lower, or the timer of enter2in higher).
  7. Check the box Create IN.
  8. Change the event from enter2in to enter in the block (on the routes tab).
  • It is sufficient to perform this procedure only virtually.
  • The braking values can and must be set and adjusted as desired.
  • For other blocks, this BBT record can be copied2). The above procedure therefore needs to be performed only once.

1) , 2)
BBT records with "Speed ​​+/-" should not be copied; there is no possibility to change the block entry side in the BBT dialog.
bbt-generate-in-en.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/04 00:00 by rainerk