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SwitchDialog General Tab.

All text fields which are marked with a @ can open the @Box by a single click on its label if the text field is not empty.
The text field contents will be used to do a find.


The ID is used through out the Rocrail program as unique key for referencing this turnout and is therefor very important. If you change the ID you will likely need to edit the defined routes.

Use Short ID

The Short ID is used for showing this switch on a throttle display. It is free text and optional.
The checkbox must be set to enable transferring the short ID to a throttle for this switch.
Activate menu item "Control → Transmit Short IDs" to transfer all previous set Short IDs to a connected throttle.

Note: The transmission is processed together with the Short IDs of locomotives.


This number is used for mapping a switch command by address to this switch.
See WLANmaus for more details.


The predefined Decoder to which this switch object is connected.
With LAN decoders is it necessary. Otherwise is it optional or for documentation.


The block ID, sensor ID or output ID is used to set the representation of this track type to occupied. The sensor must be set Visible to be able to set the track occupied.
The switch will report locked if the block referred by this blockID is not free.

Route IDs

Route IDs are for showing the locked routes using the route representation.
This is a list of comma separated Route IDs without white space (blanks). If one of the IDs has become locked the route representation will be shown.
With the […] button a list of Route IDs can be selected.

Locked by

Read only field which shows the locking ID if any.
A switch is generelly locked by a Locomotive when it activates a route.


The current switch position as last reported by the server.


All commands issued under Rocrail control.
This counter can be useful for service intervals.


Following types are available:

Type Motors/
Remark Symbol/
Turnout 1 With a curved turnout (this symbol is not available in Rocrail) the outer curve is considered as straight.

Positions: Straight, turnout
Left switch
Right switch
Center Crossing 0 90º crossing (no motor/coil)
Crossing 0 Crossing (no motor/coil)
To be able to show routes over static crossings it can be defined as double crossing.
The first address must be set to 8888, and the second address must be set to 9999.
Crossing left
Crossing right
Crossing (no motor/coil) with option Rectangular: 90º crossing. The left/right option does not affect the visualization.
1 Double slip switch with one motor like, e.g., Märklin 24624, 2260, 5128.
One motor moves all slips, two possible positions

Positions: Straight, turnout
Crossing left

Crossing right
Crossing with one motor with option Rectangular: 90º crossing. The left/right option does not affect the visualization.

Positions: Straight, turnout
Double Crossing 2 Two motors moving the slips, max. four positions.
Two addresses must be specified!
Not to be used for double slip switches with only one motor. These have to be set up as crossings, see above.

Positions: Straight, turnout, left, right
Double Crossing left

Double Crossing right
Single Crossing 2 Two motors moving the slips, max. three positions.
Two addresses must be specified!
Two SubTypes are available.

Positions SubType left: Straight, turnout, left
Positions SubType right: Straight, turnout, right
SubType left
Single Crossing left

Single Crossing right
SubType right
Single Crossing left

Single Crossing right
Threeway 2 Two motors moving the slips, three positions.
Two addresses must be specified!

Positions: Straight, left, right
Decoupler 1 It is advised to define a decoupler as a push button.
To do this, the symbol has to be defined as an Output objekt with SVG #5.

Positions: Off, on
Accessory 1 :!: If it is planned to use the Router see note about limitations at the Router page.
Twoway 1 Twoway or WYE
Y-Switch with turnout to either left or right, no straight position.

Positions: Left, right


For double crossing type with dual motor control to use only a single slip.
Select: Default = Double Slip Switch.
Select: Left or Right = Single Slip Switch.
This reduces the commands to straight, turnout(=diagonal) and left or right, i.e from four to three positions.


The symbol number used for type Accessory or Switch.

  • Used if greater then 1 for type Switch. (None Raster.)


Select a left hand or right hand for this turnout or double crossings. Threeways do not have this option.

Note: With curved turnouts the outer bow respectively the bow with the larger radius is defined as straight.
So determines the direction in which the inner bow respectively the smaller radius branch off, the defined direction of the turnout.

Safe switch position

If the switch is unlocked, and Rocrail is running in auto mode, this position will be set after the Switch safe position timer is elapsed.
This option was originally for switches which needs continues energy in a certain position. To reduce the total needed energy this "Save position" should be set to the position in which the switch does not need energy.
In the meantime it is mostly used for "Flank Protection". 1)



Alignment of switches:

default raster

To create a "Double Crossover" (scissor crossing) in Rocrail, 4 switches and a "Center Crossing" have to be utilized, this configuration allows the Router to create the necessary Routes.

In order to show the "Double Crossover" (scissor crossing) on 2 parallel tracks.

The following Switch Options need to be changed: check the "Raster" function box for all 4 switches, also remove the check in the "Show" box to hide the "Center Crossing".
Adjust all other tracks accordingly.

Note: If the routes that cross this "Double Crossover" were created by the Router you should remove the auto generated flag. Otherwise the next time the Router is used it will delete them and recreate routes that do not contain commands for the invisible "Center Crossing".


Instead of the chosen theme for track symbols the road theme is used.


The turnout is visible in the plan.

Show ID

Active (default): The switch ID is shown in the track plan (only if the client is set to show IDs, e.g. Rocview: Show IDs).
Deactivated: The switch ID is not shown in the plan. Can be used to disable displaying the ID for individual switches.


Motor-less 90° crossing symbol.

Swap straight

If the switch symbol is logically swapped this option will be used for the Reduce Route Speed.

Put out of operation

This option prevents the switch being used. Routes over this switch cannot be set.
The background will turn to grey.


To prevent manual operation by clients.

Start of Day (SoD)

Include the initialization of this turnout by SoD.

Exclude from Routing

Activate when the Router should not define commands in routes for this turnout.


The switch cannot be set in another position, and can only be used in the actual position in automatic mode.
If the option is activated, the symbol background is displayed in "orange".

  • Tip: The option is also available in the context menu in auto mode.

Manual operated

Manual operated switches will be locked for routes, but if they are not in the wanted position, the loco/train will wait until they are set manually in the wanted position.
The switch must be in the wanted position before the route is locked if the 'free' option is selected.


See Actions for more details.

  • Note: If the action parameter is set to "force" a locked switch/crossing in automatic mode can be set.

A means of protecting movements of trains across junctions by the setting of points (either manually or automatically) that prevent any other unauthorised movement coming into contact with it.
switch-gen-en.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/30 16:29 by rjversluis